In any case involving children, including investigating or defending against allegations of child abuse or neglect, a committed Beverly Hills Fathers Rights Attorney can assist a parent in asserting their legal rights. The “best interests of the child” is the standard foundation upon which courts base their decisions. This framework takes into account a variety of factors, including the relationship between the child and each parent, the parenting styles of the parents, the parent’s capacity to care for the child, any history of domestic violence or substance abuse, and more.

A specialized fathers rights attorney should be retained to make sure that a father’s rights are not infringed upon, as family law courts are known to be biased against dads and their rights. Using an online resource that can assist with a range of legal matters, including locating a competent Fathers Rights Attorney, is the most effective approach to locate a local attorney. Click here to contact the #1 Family Law Attorney in Beverly Hills, CA.
Establishing paternity is the first step toward hiring a fathers rights attorney. After completing this, a parent may seek legal or physical custody of his kids. But because of outdated beliefs in family courts, even married fathers may find it difficult to maintain their parental rights. When a married father requests full or partial custody of his child, he must demonstrate that he is a more suitable parent than the child’s mother. This can be challenging when the other parent refuses to cooperate.
Dads may also request an involuntary termination of their parental rights, which may happen if one parent tries to take away the other’s parental rights or if specific circumstances arise. These circumstances include, but are not limited to, parent incarceration, child neglect, and abuse. To defend against these kinds of actions, one needs the assistance of a capable family law attorney.
Speak with a respectable fathers rights attorney if you’re a father and would like additional information about your rights. A competent attorney can assist you in resolving any child-related legal matter, such as disputed divorces, equitable property partition, and parental rights disputes. Get in touch with a skilled attorney in your area right now to begin the process of ensuring that your wants and rights are being fulfilled by an informed legal representative. Help is available from Eiges & Orgel, PLLC! The fathers’ rights attorneys in New York at Eiges & Orgel, PLLC have a great deal of expertise defending dads’ rights in family court cases. Our lawyers will vigorously protect your rights in any case where a family member is involved.